99% of men never get a six pack. 
We're here to help you be in the 1%.
99% of men never get a six pack. We're here to help you be in the 1%.

Tried everything and nothing works?

Many of our clients already worked with personal trainers, nutritionists and functional medicine doctors in the past. They had short term results, but couldn’t sustain them in the long run.

Because it was never combined together into a holistic approach that integrates into their lifestyle. So they followed the program on pure willpower and discipline, until they regressed and had to start all over again.

The difference with the Kinetic Method is that you're not treated like another round peg going inside a square hole. This is not another program that you do for 60 days and then regress when you're done.

We're interested in how you look and feel 5-10 years from now. Our goal is that you continue doing this long-term, not because you have to, but because you enjoy how this holistic process is tailored into your lifestyle.

How does the kinetic method work?

How does the kinetic method work?

We run 3 very specific protocols that together create “The Kinetic Method”.

Kinetics is when 3 forces collide together and produce an extraordinary result. The reason we are getting extraordinary results for our clients, is because we figured out these 3 protocols.

We lay it all out and take the guesswork away so you can focus on what you do best which is running your business.

My team and I hold you accountable to the plan to make sure you don't BS yourself and optimize it based on the data patterns we see in our system.

  • Human Physiology: We use a science based approach via Dexa Scans, 3D Body Scans & Blood Biomarkers to set up your custom blueprint to get six pack lean
  • ​Low Volume Training : We use 3 weekly 30-45 min low volume, high intensity workouts that help you regain vintage levels of strength, vitality and stamina
  • Hormone Optimized Nutrition: We optimize your nutrition based on your blood work to rebalance hormones naturally so you never feel hungry and starving

The X Factor = Hormone Optimized Nutrition

Most programs focus on outside metrics such as the scale or your body shape. 

The Kinetic Method doesn’t look at the outside until we look at the inside.

We get in a comprehensive blood panel that looks at 95 biomarkers and is used by elite athletes, UFC fighters, high performing CEO's and celebrities.

Not just in the sense of "are they OK according to a doctor?" But "are they optimized so you look great, feel great and perform at your best day in and out?”

This includes sex hormones, metabolic health, thyroid function, lipids, organ function, immune system and heart health including genetic risk factors. 

We use those results as your unique foundation to map out a customized plan for your hormones & metabolism including diet, nutrient rich foods & supplements.

You will never be starving, hungry or have any cravings while enjoying steady levels of energy all day long.

4 Steps to get six pack lean

4 Steps to get six pack lean


  The Kinetic Method Goes Beyond Weight Loss 

We work with many high performers, celebrities & type A guys who are interested in results beyond their physical fitness. 

Before and after photos of bodies are great, but check out the before and after of blood markers below that we achieve through functional blood work optimization.

Glucose Improvement Without Medication

Lipid Profile Improvement Without Medication

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Reversal

Immune System (WBC) Improvement

Natural Testosterone Improvement

Overall Health Improvement

105% Natural Increase In Testosterone Levels At 57

Listen To 50+ Case Studies Of High Performers Using The Kinetic Method

Worked With A Personal Trainer Before & Saw No Results? So Did Richard (51) And Now Has Abs

Richard is a 51 year old marketing business owner. He worked with different high-level trainers in Southern California and Maine.

And despite showing up consistently for years at the gym, his results never matched his efforts. 

As he was turning 50 and entering a new decade, he wanted to see a new man in the image. 

He knew that there’s something else going on, so he decided to bring me and my team in to help him join the 1% with his body.

2 years later and he’s six pack shredded. He shares how he stays on track while traveling from the US to Europe.

 Too Busy With Kids? Jared  (41) Dropped 50 Pounds With 7 Kids & 60h Workweeks

Jared, with 7 kids at home, 5 of them being boys, and a 60-hour work week. He had 7 excuses to not lose weight, but that didn’t stop him from trying. 5 out of the 7 kids are boys and he wanted to set an example for his children. 

He didn’t want to be the guy whose wife begged him to lose weight. So he went on Keto. He dropped weight fast, but most of it came from muscle. He had a thin neck and looked weak. Not what he wanted. Fast forward he joined the Kinetic Method. 6 months later he’s 50 pounds down. 

With 3 weekly workouts at 30-45min. It’s sustainable and fits right into his schedule. The upgrade in confidence is great. So are the compliments from his environment.

Concerned That You Have To Starve Yourself To Get Abs? CPA Alfredo (41) Was Never Hungry

Meet Alfredo. He’s been chubby since childhood and battling with his weight for life. He hired a bunch of coaches, tried different programs, bought home DVDs, did home workout routines and it was always a hit and miss.

He’d go from 200lbs to 180lbs and back to 200lbs. As he got older, he started to experience brain fog that impacted his performance at work. Then he saw one of his CPA friends get six pack lean and decided to join the Kinetic Method. He told me it was very important to him to not be starving and hungry.

I said don’t worry, I got you covered. 9 months later and he’s lost 40lbs and is six pack lean. He’s in the middle of a tax season right now and sharper and more productive than ever.

His son is training with him and following his steps. Most importantly, he’s found a sustainable way of eating he can do for the rest of his life.

Tried Everything & Skeptical That You'll Fail Again? Adam (41) Used To Be In The Same Boat

Meet Adam. Adam is a super high achiever.

One of his big goals was having six pack abs.

So he did:
-    Intermittent Fasting
-    5 Days Water Fast In A Row (Six Pack Wasn’t There After 5 Days)
-    4x Weekly CrossFit
-    Different Gym Routines
-    12x Mountain Biking Per Week

The work and effort was there .. but the ROI wasn’t. No matter what he tried the six pack did not show up. All it did made him like 55. His skin looked and felt old. His 10-year-old son told him he’s fat.

After decades of trial and error on his own he took the leap of fait and went all in. 3 months into the Kinetic Method and he woke up with abs.

He went from feeling embarrassed of taking his shirt off to feeling proud getting six pack lean. Today he feels and looks like 20 again.

And his kids call him strong when they see his abs. He even booked himself a photoshoot to celebrate his success.

Think You're Too Old To Get Abs & Put On Muscle Mass? This 59 Year Old Proves The Opposite

In May 2022 Wes reached out to me on LinkedIn. He told me that at 58 he isn’t an “old man” and knows he can still dramatically improve his strength, appearance and health.
He wants to get below 200 pounds, see his abs and continue to gain strength so he can stay as attractive and healthy as possible as he ages. He was already putting in a lot of effort with up to 4 CrossFit workouts a week, but the ROI wasn’t there.
Yet he wasn’t happy with his progress on his mid-section and that’s where he considered the Kinetic Method. We replaced his 4 CrossFit workouts a week with slow motion, low volume workouts.
We also optimized his hormones by looking at an advanced blood panel. Now Wes started losing fat consistently. And the real win is he didn’t have to beat down his body with CrossFit workouts.
Today he’s 59 – and the only place his age is attached to is his driving license.

Been Yo-Yo Dieting Your Entire Life? Seth (48) Broke Free From It Forever & Kept The Weight Off

Seth, he’s been yo-yo dieting his entire life. Running. Dieting. Any program would work short term. Yet long-term the weight would always slap back. Then he saw one of his friends have success with the Kinetic Method. 

He decided to take the risk and become a man who makes his health a priority. His risk was rewarded with a sustainable loss of 40 pounds. He feels better. He’s got more energy. The real win is that his kids lost weight too!

Want To Have More Testosterone Without Going On TRT? Ryan (40) Boosted T-Levels Naturally

This is Ryan, A 40-year-old married realtor with kids who couldn’t lose weight no matter what he tried. 

He tried CrossFit, morning smoothies, portion control, cardio, and lifting weights. And the scale wouldn’t budge. He felt ashamed of his body and had to suck in his gut every time he was at the pool. 

After making a few tweaks using the Kinetic Method. He dropped 40 pounds and his wife is stunned by his sex drive. When he takes off his shirt at the pool his friends say “damn”.

Think It's Too Expensive? Ryan (53)  Doubled His Revenue After 12 Months In the Program

Ryan, he used to be 150-170lbs most of his adult life. Then covid hit. Ryan blew up to 240lbs. He couldn’t solve the puzzle with conventional trainers and mainstream approaches. P-90X. 

Weight loss but still looked soft. Rapid K diet. Lost 40lbs. Regained 40lbs. Hired a personal trainer. 

The belly fat was still there. The work was there, but the ROI wasn’t. He decided to do things differently. 

Enter Kinetic Method. Fast forward. 40lbs down. 4 jeans sizes down. 2 T-Shirt sizes down. Sex drive is through the roof. Business revenue doubled! Listen to his experience using the Kinetic Method.

Concerned That Thyroid Issues & Prediabetes Prevent You From Seeing Results? Aaron (48) Fix It Naturally

Meet Aaron

At 48 with multiple businesses and 5 kids he had a ton of excuses to make. But that wasn’t on his plan. He get out of his own way and hired a trainer to help him get below 200 pounds.

With 4-5 workouts a week there was still no success. He knew that if he wanted unconventional results, he’d have to try an unconventional method.

Enter Kinetic Method. I told him to workout LESS. We went down to 3 weekly workouts at 35 minutes. No cardio. And the weight started melting off. 10 pounds left the house, then 20, then 30, then 40 and eventually 50!

Today his ab muscles are poking through his shirt when he’s working out. At a 30 year high school reunion he got voted as the person who changed the least.

59 Year Old Business Owner Gets Six Pack Lean Using The Kinetic Method

In May 2022 Wes reached out to me on LinkedIn. He told me that at 58 he isn’t an “old man” and knows he can still dramatically improve his strength, appearance and health.
He wants to get below 200 pounds, see his abs and continue to gain strength so he can stay as attractive and healthy as possible as he ages. He was already putting in a lot of effort with up to 4 CrossFit workouts a week, but the ROI wasn’t there.
Yet he wasn’t happy with his progress on his mid-section and that’s where he considered the Kinetic Method. We replaced his 4 CrossFit workouts a week with slow motion, low volume workouts.
We also optimized his hormones by looking at an advanced blood panel. Now Wes started losing fat consistently. And the real win is he didn’t have to beat down his body with CrossFit workouts.
Today he’s 59 – and the only place his age is attached to is his driving license.

53-Year-Old Business Owner Drops 33lbs & Wakes Up With Abs & Fits Into His Favorite Shirt Again Using The Kinetic Method

This is John.
A 53-year-old business owner and Judo teacher with with kids and a beautiful wife.
Who works up to 14 hours a day from business, to Judo, to BJJ, to spending time with his family.
No matter how healthy he ate, or how hard he worked out, he wasn’t able to lose more than 50 pounds in total…
He was stuck ..
Two simple fixes got him to drop 33 more pounds in no time at all...
Today he sets records of 11 minute planks, and has hit 43 new lows in a row.

41-Year-Old RE Investor Replaces His Love Handles With A Six Pack & Feels Like 20 Again Using The Kinetic Method

Meet Adam. Adam is a super high achiever.

One of his big goals was having six pack abs.

So he did:
-    Intermittent Fasting
-    5 Days Water Fast In A Row (Six Pack Wasn’t There After 5 Days)
-    4x Weekly CrossFit
-    Different Gym Routines
-    12x Mountain Biking Per Week

The work and effort was there .. but the ROI wasn’t. No matter what he tried the six pack did not show up. All it did made him like 55. His skin looked and felt old. His 10-year-old son told him he’s fat.

After decades of trial and error on his own he took the leap of fait and went all in. 3 months into the Kinetic Method and he woke up with abs.

He went from feeling embarrassed of taking his shirt off to feeling proud getting six pack lean. Today he feels and looks like 20 again.

And his kids call him strong when they see his abs. He even booked himself a photoshoot to celebrate his success.

View More Case Study Interviews

Investment Packages

The investment does NOT include blood work, Dexa Scans or any other equipment (gym membership, home gym, food scale, etc.). Those are additional costs associated with the program that vary based on each clients needs.

the Kinetic Method Is NOT For Everybody.

Who Is The Kinetic Method For?
  • High Producers & "Hard Workers"

    This won't be an easy journey, but it will be a journey worth every mile because it's a lifelong transformation.If you're self-made, have always been the underdog and had to work yourself to the top, then you've got the perfect mindset to dial in your body for life.

  • Men Who Want To Regain What They Once Had

    Ex-athletes, competitive men, who played college sports and know what it feels like to have been in amazing shape, but now have lost their energy, sex drive, vitality and the body they once had and want to regain it.​

  • Men Who Want To Be 1% In Body

    This isn’t a weight loss program. Yes, losing fat is part of it, but we’ll build you a body like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. So you can fully experience what it means to be top 1%. Not just in business, but in body.

  • ​​Men Who Value Time Over Money

    I could watch YouTube videos on how to change the breaks of my car. I’d rather go to the dealership and spend my money to get that fixed so I can spend my time on doing stuff I love; with people I love.
  • ​Men Who Can Take Ownership

    It's ok to make a mistake. Nobody is perfect. The best of us do it. As long as you own it, and can take personal responsibility and not blame others for it.
Who Is The Kinetic Method NOT For?
  • Cheap Men

    If you’re the customer who’s a discount shopper, who saves all their money and spends all their time, this isn’t for you. And there is no problem with that.

  • Men With A Big Ego

    I know it can be challenging when you're so smart and so successful in business, yet can't seem to figure out how to get your body under control. If you now want to always change things yourself and think you know it all, and don't trust the process, this will 100% NOT work for you. There's a reason you're NOT implementing what you “know” consistently enough.Knowing is useless if it's not done consistently. Knowing what to do also means knowing how to stay consistent. If you think you got it all figured out, then this is not for you.

  • Men With Serious Injuries

    I can take you from a dad bod body to Brad Pitt in Fight Club, as long as you have permission to exercise. If you have a serious injury, then it's better to let that health and re-visit this later. If it's a small injury, depending on the area, we can work around it.

  • ​​Men Looking For A Diet Or "Hack"

    Looking for those things are exactly why you're here. I only set you up for long term success. You will win fast, but not at the consequence of long-term implementation.

  • ​​Men Who Want A Babysitter

    I will hold you accountable to your commitment, but I’m not here to convince you to get in shape or be your mommy to call you 5 times a day to work out.

  • ​Extreme Diet Preferences

    If you're a vegan, vegetarian or carnivore, that's great. But I can't help you out.
Who Is The Kinetic 
Method For?
Who Is The Kinetic 
Method NOT For?
  • High Producers & "Hard Workers"
    This won't be an easy journey, but it will be a journey worth every mile because it's a lifelong transformation.If you're self-made, have always been the underdog and had to work yourself to the top, then you've got the perfect mindset to dial in your body for life.

  • Men Who Want To Regain What They Once Had
    Ex-athletes, competitive men, who played college sports and know what it feels like to have been in amazing shape, but now have lost their energy, sex drive, vitality and the body they once had and want to regain it.​

  • ​Men Who Want To Be 1% In Body
    This isn’t a weight loss program. Yes, losing fat is part of it, but we’ll build you a body like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. So you can fully experience what it means to be top 1%. Not just in business, but in body.

  • ​​Men Who Value Time Over Money
    I could watch YouTube videos on how to change the breaks of my car. I’d rather go to the dealership and spend my money to get that fixed so I can spend my time on doing stuff I love; with people I love.

  • Men Who Can Take Ownership
    It's ok to make a mistake. Nobody is perfect. The best of us do it. As long as you own it, and can take personal responsibility and not blame others for it.
  • Cheap Men
    If you’re the customer who’s a discount shopper, who saves all their money and spends all their time, this isn’t for you. And there is no problem with that.

  • Men With A Big Ego
    I know it can be challenging when you're so smart and so successful in business, yet can't seem to figure out how to get your body under control. If you now want to always change things yourself and think you know it all, and don't trust the process, this will 100% NOT work for you. There's a reason you're NOT implementing what you “know” consistently enough.Knowing is useless if it's not done consistently. Knowing what to do also means knowing how to stay consistent. If you think you got it all figured out, then this is not for you.

  • ​Men With Serious Injuries
    I can take you from a dad bod body to Brad Pitt in Fight Club, as long as you have permission to exercise. If you have a serious injury, then it's better to let that health and re-visit this later. If it's a small injury, depending on the area, we can work around it.

  • ​​Men Looking For A Diet Or "Hack"
    Looking for those things are exactly why you're here. I only set you up for long term success. You will win fast, but not at the consequence of long-term implementation.

  • ​​Men Who Want A Babysitter
    I will hold you accountable to your commitment, but I’m not here to convince you to get in shape or be your mommy to call you 5 times a day to work out.

  • ​Extreme Diet Preferences
    If you're a vegan, vegetarian or carnivore, that's great. But I can't help you out.

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